Pakistan Studies by HEC page 3,4


       First of all I would like to thank my creator and original guardian “Allah almighty” who gave me strength and courage to confront the difficulties in completing this text book.

            Primarily, this book is for the students of LL.B 5-Years Program (Semester and Annual System). Therefore, while compiling this book it is tried to choose easy, simple and common words. It is written according to new syllabus of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur.

            I also want to acknowledge my deep gratitude to my respectful teachers, seniors, colleagues and all well-wishers in the world. May Allah almighty bless us with Eman, health and prosperity. Aameen!




Assistant Professor: The Department of Law

The Faculty of Law, Abbasia Campus

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Contact No. 0300-6818535
[email protected]


Course contents

Pakistan Studies For LLB 5-Years Program

The course contents include:

  1. Ideology of Pakistan:

(Ideology of Pakistan, Two nation theory, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and ldeology of Pakistan, Allama Muhammad lqbal and ldeology of Pakistan, History and background of Pakistan’s ldeology, lmpact of lslam on the ideology of Pakistan)

  1. Aims and Reasons of the Creation of Pakistan:

(Aims and Objectives of the creation of Pakistan, National Services of Mujaddid Alaf sani, Services of Syed Ahmad Shaheed, Era of East lndia Company, Era of Political Awareness, Urdu Hindi Controversy, Separate Electorate, Partition of Bangal 1905, Simla Deputation 1906)

  1. Initial Efforts for the Creation of Pakistan:

(Formation of Muslim League 1906, Morley-Minto Reforms 1909, Political of Compromise and Conflicting, Lukhnow Pact 1916, Reforms 1919,  Khilafat Movement 1922, Nehro Report 1928, Fourteen Points of Jinnah 1929)

  1. Final Efforts for the Creation of Pakistan:

(Allama lqbal’s Address 1930, Roundtable Conferences 1930, 1931 & 1932, Government of India Act 1935, Congress Ministries (Dark Period for Muslims 1937-39), Pakistan Resolution 1940, Major Events from 1940 to 1946, Cabinet Mission Plan 1946)

  1. Creation of Pakistan and its lnitial Problems:

(3rd June 1947 Partition Plan, Red Cliff Award, The Creation of Pakistan in 1947, lnitial Problems of Pakistan in 1947, Parliamentary Democracy)

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