Law Papers Pakistan Studies 2023


Department: Law

LL.B. (5-Years Program)           1st Annual, 2023

Part-I (New Course)                  Paper-VI (Pakistan Studies)

 Time: 90 minutes                  Max Marks: 50


Note: Attempt three questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt in English only.

  1. No. 1: Briefly explain the following (Any two):

10 Marks

  1. Who Proposed the Two-Nation Theory?
  2. What Role did Religion Play in the Ideology of Pakistan?
  • How does Pakistan’s Constitution Reflect its Ideology?
  1. No. 2. Elaborate main aims and objectives of the creation of Pakistan.

20 Marks


  1. No. 3. Explain salient features of Govt of India Act 1935.

20 Marks

  1. No. 4. Write a detailed note on the initial problems of Pakistan after its creation.

20 Marks

  1. No. 5. Define “Parliamentary Democracy” and describe its main features.

20 Marks


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